Teens: Writing Worlds: Miniatures & Manuscripts 

The first of its kind, Writing Worlds: Manuscripts & Miniatures is a creative adventure through the major eras of the Islamic timeline, where students will uncover the cultural, geographical, and societal nuances that shaped these periods. Students will step into the past and bring it to life through historical fiction, writing epic tales, journal entries, and letters in first person as they create worlds within worlds combining historical context and imagination. 

Each session will explore a unique theme from the era with several prompts to choose from with vocabulary support. Students will be tasked to look up anthropological details to make their historical writing accurate. Perhaps they may ask, "What type of fabric did the typical citizen of the Mughal empire wear?" "What were homes in the Songhai empire made of?" "What were the origins of the first Mamluk warriors?" 

Eras Studied: Abbasid | Mamluk | Songhai | Mughal | Ottoman | Contemporary 

Instructor: Sr. Wajiha Khalil 

Dates: Fridays: February 14 - March 20

Duration: 6 sessions. 1 hour long. Live with recording. 

Time: 12pm EST 

Convert to your time zone: www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html 

Cost Live: $75 USD ($60 for second sibling)

Cost Recording: $45 

Where: Online (Zoom live with Google Classroom support)